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A fourth poem... interpret here!!?

in your hand is the pearl of my desire
your hand snapped shut tight like a clam
prying does no good, your strength exceeds any imagination
waiting impatiently
searching my mind for distraction
outside of my mind for entertainment
nothing-dead as the desert
limp as a tumbleweed
moving only as it blows in the wind
tasteless as sand
equally as drying
i stare, you snore
i roll my eyes
you clamp down tighter
i can't even take it from you in your sleep
just determined to hold it just inches out of my reach....
aren't you?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

The poem seems to suggest that the writer believes someone has the key to her needs but she is powerless to get it, and the peron with the pearl is determined not to offer it -- because he/she either enjoys the power he/she has over the other. But the two people could be one person; two parts of the self at odds with each other