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Okay this is a good anyone else totally......?

I don't even have a word for it....dumbfounded, puzzled, confused.....when thinking about how we got here? Okay so God made Heaven and Earth blah how did God get here? How were all these planets formed....where did the universe come from. UGH! It's drives me insane thinking about it!!!!

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3 months ago
I'm honestly not trying to offend anyone....I believe in God and I believe he created Heaven and Earth.....but even if you do believe in can you not still wonder??? It's absolutely amazing to me......I really hope God explains it to me when I die!!! I will finally have peace! Don't get all snappy and tell me to read the bible....I never said anything negative towards's just a question.....

3 months ago
Thank you Aristarchus, you have truly opened my eyes to viewing it in a different way...I had never thought about it that way and it really makes a lot of've eased my mind!!!! :)

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

Hey, Kim. The problem we humans have is that we tend to think in human ways. God is Spirit. He isn't bound by the same things we humans are bound by (like time and distance). He created time and distance. For God to have "gotten here" would imply that there was a time before God, and someone who created God. Both are incorrect. God was here before time was here. And God created everything we know of.
I agree that if you try to figure it out the same way you solve an algebra problem, it will drive you insane. But that is because it it solved with faith, not with physical things. You know God is there because all of His creation declares his glory. Even we humans have a built in yearning to know our Creator. And everyone of us can know Him by accepting His Son Jesus Christ as our Savior and our Lord.
Find a Bible believing church near you and go there. Ask the pastor how to know God the Father by knowing Jesus the Son. He will be pleased to tell you all about it. It is the only decision you will ever make that will last throughout eternity.
In Him,