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Position:Home>General - Arts & Humanities > Hey Chicklets? Why do you all talk so much? Why do you all seem to be on the pho


Hey Chicklets? Why do you all talk so much? Why do you all seem to be on the phone 24/7?

i already know that some females got a talking disorder (muwhahah) but i wonder who can you possibly be talking to on the phone like every 20 minutes? cuz the girls in my college are on the phone like all freaking time.

that's just so phony.

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3 months ago
loryn..what you just say?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

It's a genetic difference between males and females. Women share information and, unless they are competing for the same man, are ready to unite to get something done. They don't compete except in love.

Men compete. They have to prove themselves better than men around them so they can get the girl. It is not in their interest to share information so they never develop the habit of talking endlessly on the phone.

Men have to lead. Women form committees.