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I wrote a lil something. Tell me what you think?

What is your opinion?

I hate you so much
I'm not sure why
You make me sick
and I wish you'd die
You'e a relationship estranger
You're lucky i don't mess you up
Instead, I write to vent my anger......

okay... not used to doing the hate thing so it kind of sucks... but yeah. I'm not done yet, i've got a ways to go. But that's how it starts. So let me know!

Additional Details

3 months ago
If it continues like this it'll be crap? hunny, it started as crap... it's difficult for me to write this because i'm not usually a hateful person..... and i wanted to put one in every category. and Dislike/Hatred was the only one i didn't have.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

You need to incorporate a more descriptive art to it than just "I hate you" ie:

You are the putrid stench that rocks my stomach; the garbage truck that vomits week old bile in vain attempt to gain a smile.

Your name echoes down the spiraled barrel of the gun as i force in shells. In my rage the bullets fly blind and land on useless targets. You are petrified, but I cannot land a blow, I bend, i break the bow. I am useless in my rage.

or more happy hate

I bought a gun today
twas much less than I thot I'd pay
the shells were marked half off
I can use more to blow your head off
I followed you to work
and cut your break lines jerk!
I smiled when you got home
the arsenic is almost gone!
Soon you'll be sleeping peacful
and we'll all bring you flowers

well, I'm not feeling very inspired either, good luck