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Who is most successful?

Jose has 1 child and earns $5 million dollars a year. Juan has 6 kids and earns $30 thousand/year. Who is most successful?

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3 months ago
By the way its not for school =)
I just though, how are people going to answer to this?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

Wow! Juan knows how to raise 6 kids on $30 thousand a year! His wife is rich, right?

Your teacher asked an unanswerable question to try to get you to think about what true success is. Is it making a lot of money, or having a lot of love?

Juan is obviously more successful at making love (we infer from the evidence of 6 childen).

Jose is more successful at making money (we infer from his "earnings" of $5 million a year).

Question: Does anyone really EARN $5 million a year or do they just collect on their investments? How do earnings like this compare to the wages that amount to $30k per year?

Hmmmm....I might have guessed your teacher's next lesson. What course is this for?