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Can you explain Swift's Modest Proposal?

Discuss how Swift addressed the problems and what he suggested the solutions

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Swift wrote a funny little piece. The problem of course was the over population of the british isles with poor people's babies. Swift made a modest proposal (understatement) that the solution would be to eat poor people's babies. It would be a delecacy like caviar, and some women would be breeders to pop out more food for the rest of us. Swift gives many ways to cook them too. He says that broiled baby would be delicious.

The reasons he says this is that a poor women could have her baby, then instead of paying to feed the baby, the baby could be sold to pay for the mothers expenses. Of course, Swift wasn't serious, but he wanted to point out that most people did not care about the plight of poor pregnant women and their babies. By sugesting we eat them, he makes an extreme suggestion to open people's eyes.

Hope this helped