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I need a quote that has something to do with the homecoming of Odysseus in the Odyssey?

I need it for a thesis paper and it would work best if the quote has something to do with Odysseus coming home, but if not that's fine too. Just be sure to sight the stanza it starts with!

Thanks for the help!

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3 months ago
Anything is appropriate for this quote. As long as it is about the theme of homecoming I'm happy!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

Tell me, Muse,of the man of many ways, who has driven
far journeys, after he had sacked Troy's sacred citadel. Book I lines 1 and 2

There I found Odysseus standing among the dead men
he had killed, and they covered the hardened earth, lying
piled on each other around him. You would have been cheered to see him,
spattered over with gore and battle filth, like a lion.
book XXIII lines 45 to 48

Just to show the range you can get, really nobody else is going to be able to give you a quote, because how can we know what's appropriate? so find a copy