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What is a ballad and could this be considered one?

I believe it is a poem or poem like song, or something similar, am I correct?

Everyday I am late
Something I know my parents hate
So today I will be on time
To my each and every class

Come first bell
I run into my friend called "Nell" who wishes to stop and chat
But to him all I can say
"I'm sorry but I must be on my way"

If I miss first bell
All will not be well

Class goes smooth and well
Until come second bell
I am stopped by Nells twin sister "Mell"
Who has lots of juicy gossip to tell

I tell her I must go, if I miss second bell
My life will be a living hell

In my second class I got an A on a test
With a note that said "You did your best"
My day has been grat
So far I haven't been late

But I still need to make 3rd bell
But wait their is Kell!
Who has fundraising candy to sell
But I can't wait

If I miss third bell
My day will not be swell
Class goes fine
I have been on time
Not late once
Now I'll never look like a dunce

I did not miss
4th Or 5th bell
And I am now on my way

Additional Details

3 months ago
To my last class of the day

I hurried as fast as I could
And not one distraction
My parents will be proud
And I am filled with satisfaction

But what do you know
Before last bell
I put on quite a show
I was late because on the way I tripped and fell

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

A ballad is a story told in song or poem with a particular pattern of stresses and rhymes. I don't think your poem qualifies.