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Figurative Language Poem?

I have to write a figurative language poem for class and it's really stumping me. You can pick from the topic of comparing a dream to a movie or poetry to singing. The poem must contain atleast 6 comparisons and 3 instances of personification. Anything that you can adivse me on or help me on would be appreciated.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

Let's get started..."Poetry" means figurative use of language as opposed to non-figurative meanings suitable to non-fictional prose. "He drove at 75 in a 60 mile-per-hour zone" is prose; "he drove like a wild man" is figurative.

Using verse just adds a count of accented syllables, end-rhymes or something else to indicate repetitions, pauses, divisions and endings to poetry.

Poetic use of language can also be done in fictional prose, but never, I claim, legitimately to non-fiction except for the use of an example or single explanation, such as Winston Churchill comparing the future after a great war to gazing upon "broad sunlit uplands".

'Personification' means saying something such as "Excellence smiled on her that day" or
"Her voice seemed to those who heard her a laughing dancer at one point, a tragic heroine at another".
The idea is that something like an idea, an emotion, an inanimate thing like a rock, etc is treated as the actor as subject performing a verb in a sentence.
"My dream transported me across long miles".

The comparisons you need can be either a "simile", using the words like, as, to compare two things,resembling--"her voice was like a ray of sunlight'
or else a "metaphor"--one that omits those comparison words, such as"my dream was as surreal as a Chinese kung fu movie running backward' or "I seemed to be floating the way a cloud does, over a great prairie of yellow grass."
Use your imagination; and good luck!