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What are your favorite romantic sounds?

to me

raindrops falling on roofs top

steps on thick snow

rattling window with winter wind

yawn of my cat

laughs of children

the "hello" of my love from the phone

the fickering flame of candle (hardly can hear)

I want to know your favorites

plz dont mean jokes, ( but if you want , go ahead)

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

The tinkling of a well-played piano, mingled with the breathy tones of a flute and laced with the mature strains of the violin. Man, but I love music.

As for (technically) non-musical selections, I love

the crackling of fire (it's absolutely delicious)
crunching of snow, like when you shovel it or step on it
the sound that sleigh bells make (best in moderation)
the brushing of clothes against plant-y, bush-y things like pine