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Are there rememberable quotes that solve mysteries, guide laboratory technology etc?

Guess Repeatedly Until Correct Answer Strikes, Trial and Error, Practice makes perfect, Eliminate Everything But One, Identify Possible Causes, Pass Through Prism, etc etc

I Own ErehWon - AK R

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3 months ago
When you find others have reached a competitive stage to where you are, Round Off a Bigger Conceptual Circle at the Top and say it is a TOP DOWN approach - T/D - Murphy
Start from the Bottom Up and If you find another person who has done it before, assimilate , cnoglomerate, if all else fails, buy and eliminate- Business at the sppedd of LMA
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Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

You're onto something.

1. Try reversing it and see if that makes it clearer....
2. All right, let's start with what we know it isn't....
3. First make sure the unit's plugged in and turned on...
4. If you reach a "stone wall", put the problem aside and sleep on it...
5. First ask how, then worry about why.
6.Archaeologists begin by defining the whole terrritory, then they start digging up the facts.
7.If you can't state it in one sentence, one paragraph, you'd don't know it well enough yet.
8.If using both more or less of something you do will make a thing better or worse, you don't have its basis defined yet.
9.First things first.
10.Check your premises, every one of them: doubt.