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Arthurian Scholars?

Can someone provide me with a list of well known scholars who study the Arthurian legends and how I might contact them?

I want to write a book on the Athurian legends and I know all too well that over time some authors may have changed a few things here and there.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

Hi, Kattalnu.
I'm writing a fictional Arthurian novel & I've found these scholarly writer chaps very helpful. They are Non-Fiction writers who post to Christopher Gwinn's Yahoo Groups site.

It's called "celtica-camelot: From Celtica To Camelot".

They've helped me separate historical fact from fiction, and come up with really interesting ways to analyse all the Arthurian stories, from Gildas, Nennius, Geoffrey of Monmouth, Brut Tysilio, the Anglo-Saxon chronicles to Welsh/Latin/Breton/Gaelic etymology of names, and Arthurian connections with Greek mythology, Jungian Psychology, Gnosticism & Alchemy.

To contact them, post to the group site suggested. You won't regret this!