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Why do people kill their own family and friends with their own hands?

Nowadays we hear that coincidences of a person killing his/her own family member or his own true friend by which they turn out to be nowhere except jail. Such latest coincidence is the one which nearly the entire Indian nation must be knowing; Pramod Mahajan and Pravin Mahajan. Julius Caesar was killed by the men of his best and true friend, Brutus, who turned out to assasinate Caesar. This leads to the question, "Why do people kill their own family and friends with their own hands?"

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

They are closer. Seriously, you're more likely to be murdered by someone you know than otherwise.

There are many reasons people kill family and friends. Sometimes they deserve it:) Bad parents raise killer children all the time. Most of the time those children just kill other innocent people, but sometimes they turn on the family that created them.
Some people must use better judgment when picking friends.