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Position:Home>General - Arts & Humanities > Does have yahoo internet lottery ? i gived a message from Dr. William Gerry (Phd


Does have yahoo internet lottery ? i gived a message from Dr. William Gerry (Phd) : YOU HAVE WON ⣸00,000 POUN

does have yahoo internet lottery ? i gived a message from Dr. William Gerry (Phd) : YOU HAVE WON ⣸00,000 POUNDS YAHOO 2007 LOTTERY!!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

No Yahoo doesn't have a lottery. That is a scam.

However I have a bridge in Michigan that I will sell you. Or you can buy a farm from me that is east of Manitowoc, Wisconsin. Hey I will even take you to see the submarine races and let you catch snipes.