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Position:Home>General - Arts & Humanities > Where on the internaet can i find the text of "Montage of A Dream Deffered&


Where on the internaet can i find the text of "Montage of A Dream Deffered" by Langston Hughes in full?

I am NOT looking for just "Harlem" which is often mistakenly refered to as "A Dream Defered". it is only one chapter in the larger work.

Additional Details

3 months ago
not "mistakenly referred to".

also referred to.

my bad.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

Check out this website ;

Below is the list and the first two.

1 Warning: Augmented
2 Moto
3 Dead in There
4 Final Curve
5 Boogie: 1 a.m.
6 Tell Me
7 Good
8 Harlem
9 Same in Blues
10 Comment on Curb
11 Democracy
12 Island

Warning: Augmented
Don??t let your dog curb you!
Curb your doggie
Like you ought to do,
But don??t let that dog curb you!
You may play folks cheap,
Act rough and tough,
But a dog can tell
When you??re full of stuff.
Them little old mutts
Look all scraggly and bad,
But they got more sense
Than some people ever had.
Cur dog, fice dog, kerry blue—
Just don??t let your dog curb you!

I play it cool
And dig all jive.
That??s the reason
I stay alive.

My motto,
As I live and learn,
Dig And Be Dug
In Return.