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What can I go for in art careers?

I want to work on my own art but also find a new job that I can stand and is related to my artistic interests. Its been so hard to find one though that I qualify for. Am I looking at the wrong things? What job can I go for if:

I have a 4 year degree in art
I know Drawing , Painting, Sculpture, Photography, Art History and Theatre Design
I've previously worked in a public library, an office, a theatre and a hotel gift shop.
I also did some work with children in high school and elementary school.
And I dont know a lot of computer programs but fake it sort of and I know Quark.

I will be soo grateful if you can really give me a good answer! I need to renew my hope!

PS Dont send me spam because I will report it.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

become an art buyer for some corporations, or maybe set up own business such interior decorating, maybe teach art. Make money setting up art shows. Who says that you have to have a 9 to 5.