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In a world of mutes, would there still be wars and disputes?

Wouldn't it be better if everyone just shut the hell up?
I will shut my mouth now, let me hear your opinions.

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Taking this question seriously...

Y'know what, there would probably still be wars, but it would have a different set of rules (not that wars ever had clear rules, but I suppose the nature of it would be different). If humans somehow evolved without voice, we would've discovered other ways of communicating (and irritating each other). Agressiveness can be shown more than just speaking anyway, since just raising up your hands in a fist can instigate a rumble, right? Truth is, there's a streak of animal instinct in all of us and there would always be a struggle for survival so disputes cannot really be excised from society.

That's my take on it. I just realized that once you get over the silliness of the question, it actually makes some kind of wistful sense. :p