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What can i do for solving boredom ?

my 12 yearold sister is bored. like really bored. what are some things she can do right now becuase she is driving me crazy. please respond quickly.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

Try an "Art-a-round." It was great with my sister when she was young. I got the table ready with crayons, water-soluable marker pens, and colored pencils. I told her to tell me the name of something. It didn't matter if it was a real word (much later into doing this we required that it was not a real word or a real thing,) Then I started drawing a few of the parts of whatever it was. Next, she had to fill in some details. We went back and forth like this for a while, then we started to color it.

That's where the crayons and markers started to stretch her art sense, and captured her full attention. We put on the crayon first. Then we put some of the water-soluable markers next (permanent markers will just stain the entire thing, and you won't get such interseting results.) Next, you can scratch through the marker pens, and wipe some of it off with a damp (not wet) paper towel for a variety of effects. The first ones were only memorable because what my sister really needed from me was attention, but later pieces got saved and taped to her bedroom walls. And we both had a lot of fun making up silly stories, some of which can send us up in gales of laughter to this day.(30 years later.) Have fun.