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Do you like my Poem?

A Poem Called Love

I've seen it hurt my closest friends

I've seen it make them cry.

I've seen it take their innocence.

I've seen it change their lives.

I've seen it turn it all a mess.

I've seen it rise and fall.

I've seen it make them look like less.

I've seen it leave with all.

With all of this I have a need.

I yearn to endure their ache.

I want to fall fast and hard.

Just for loves sake.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

Yeah, it's not bad. You sound young. ;) I agree that the 5th line could use some rewriting. It's a bit of a tongue twister.

What I really like about this, is that it's not the typical boo-hoo-you-broke-my-heart-I-w... love poem. I hope you get to experience the love you are seeking. Much luck to you, and keep writing!