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Best poem gets 10points?

I need a poem dat iz so sad it will make a person cry..........i wont take full responsibility for it......i juss wanna blowing it up and put it on my wall

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

I wrote this an hour ago.

You told me once that you'd been hurt.
That made me think you'd do that to me never.

I soon found out that pain was coming my way.
You played me like an act in a play.

You acted as if nothing was wrong,
but in reality everything was torn.

When you choose to cheat, you choose to be the one to hurt me most.

Three years passed and soon we talk.
You tell me that you have something to say.

You tell me you could not go on this way.
The words i never thought i would ever hear you say, came out of your mouth that very day.

You said you're sorry please forgive i understand if you say no.

I sat there thinking that very day, that what does it matter if i say no.
Our relationship is ruined and i'm sure i'll see you never.