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Does anybody know a birthday peom that includes ladybugs, ants, and bees.?

I really need help making a poem in good taste for a birthday using the words ladybug, ants, and bees.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

How's this:

Ladybug, ladybug flew far from home
to speak to the queen bee on her throne
"Queen bee, Queen bee, have you honey I can
take? The ants need it to make a birthday cake!"
The Queen bee sent honey, by her drones,
to the busy, busy ants and ladybug went home.
But before she up and flew away,
she sent this greeting and bade me say,
"Have very, very happy birthday!"
As for the ants a big cake they are baking
but not as sweet as the little one we're celebrating!
Happy birthday!

That is the best I can do. *Hope this is for a child.*