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Poetry contest??? HELP!?

i am a poet. i would love to be able to get my work published in a newspaper or magazine or if possible a book! i am 14 and in 8th grade. I live in chicago. I have trouble finding a way to accomplish this task.
if anyone knows of a way or a contest or something i am eligible for i would greatly appreciate it if they informed me of it

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

Try Duotrope:

You can search for specific markets if you click on the Poetry tab. There are some publications that cater specifically to poets under the age of 18 (when you go to Duotrope, under the Poetry tab, click on the menu where it says "Themed" and select "Young Adults/Teens").

There are many publications out there that do run contests. Or, you can also have it published by submitting your work directly to the publication.

The following link contains a list of publications who accept submissions by email:

You can also try these two links for publications who accept submissions by snail mail:

Read each publication's guidelines for submissions. There are many who allow simultaneous submissions. Simultaneous submissions means that you are submitting one particular poem or group of poems to a number of publications. Just let the publication know that your submission has also been submitted to other publications as well.

Best of luck to you in getting your work published! :)