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Poetry contest?

i am a poet. i would love to be able to get my work published in a newspaper or magazine or if possible a book! i am 14 and in 8th grade. I live in chicago. I have trouble finding a way to accomplish this task.
if anyone knows of a way or a contest or something i am eligible for i would greatly appreciate it if they informed me of it.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

There are tons of sites where u can work on writing by submitting poems for peer review. As far as publishing possibilities search around the net. Im sure you'll find some opportunitues. One magazine that used to take (and pay for) submissions in several categories was Reader's Digest. Im sure they still do. There is also a book u can get.. a guide to getting published and it names all the magazines that take submissions and the current pay rate. It comes out new each year, I think its called Writer's Market. Check