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What do u think of this short poem?

ok. dont lie but here it goes...

when you have a broken heart ,
you feel like you are dying;

but when someone else comes into your life,
you feel like you are dying.

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3 months ago
hold up i didnt mean to write that and besides i am going to repot an abuse because you people are rude. on the last line it was supposed to be flying. so get over yourselves. i didnt do anything to make you people be so rude. if you repot this as an abuse i'll just do it right back.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

it's an interesting poem in theory.... i get where you're going i think, but you may want to expand and just come right out and say how the two can feel the same...people are kinda dumb, don't give em too much credit ;-)