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Can anyone please help me with this essay topic?

Critics haved viewed Hamlet as a play that challenegs the conventional Renaissance philosophy of "universal man"-a belief in unlimited capabilities and explored talents of the human being, the measure of all things and master of the world.
Using specific textual references, explain how Shakespeare accomplishes his taks of subverting this philosophy by showing the flawed nature of human knowledge and the ultimate difficulty of relying on experience when makeing important decisions and taking action in real life.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

You will definitely have to read the play since the teacher asks for specific text references.

However, since Shakespeare can be real rough for some people, I suggest you try reading through it and if it doesn't make sense go to your local library and see if you can find a movie on it. Watch the movie so you can get the basic idea behind the story. Then start at the beginning and read the play. You should be able to understand it a little better once you have some visuals.

Keep in mind that Hamlet is actually a really great story! Don't let Shakespeare's writing style discourage you from loving his stories.