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Can anyone please help me with this essay topic?

Critics haved viewed Hamlet as a play that challenegs the conventional Renaissance philosophy of "universal man"-a belief in unlimited capabilities and explored talents of the human being, the measure of all things and master of the world.
Using specific textual references, explain how Shakespeare accomplishes his taks of subverting this philosophy by showing the flawed nature of human knowledge and the ultimate difficulty of relying on experience when makeing important decisions and taking action in real life.

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I am not going to do your home work for you. But I will share my thoughts if you are interested.

First of all I totally reject the "critics". The Bard had a keen insight into human nature and he wrote solely to reflect human nature as he saw it. Shakespear was too much of a cad to challenge anything. He was more interested in presented the world as he saw it. He did indeed show the dark side of human nature but he was not exposing anything or any one. And that is the beauty of William Shakespear. He was who he was and he wrote from a very keen insight into human nature. Human nature does not change and Shakespear clearly showed human nature and that is why his work will live for eons........because it shows the human side of us.

Shakespear did not set out to show the flawed nature of human knowledge. He only wanted to show human nature and he did that eloquently and insightfully.

You look up the textual references