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What are filmmakers like this?

I work with filmmakers and notice that they are not very organized.
They don't return emails and phone calls. People have to chase after them to get the information. It takes them a long time to make a decision. When they do make the decision, the decision is not very clear. They could still go either way.

There are very few minority filmmakers who work there.
There was one young minority filmmaker who was harrassed
by an old white male colleague.

Generally, they are selfish and not very sensitive to others.

Why are filmmakers like this?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

I'm one and so is my boyfriend and we aren't like this. It is important to remember not to stereotype people. Just because some are the way you describe, does not mean everyone is.

Also, filmmakers outside of LA are generally easier to get ahold of. Hollywood is a very busy place.