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IS my dream of owning an art gallery a possibility??

Ok. So i had this dream that i owned an art gallery. it was so vivid, it felt like an omen.
and its so wierd because i've recently been considering dropping out of college, because i've always felt it was a waste of time and money, because i've had no idea what i want to do, with myself and my life.

so i had this dream, and i've been doing so much research on it. but i've become discouraged i have no money, no experience. but i thin k it would be so cool to find artists who will otherwise never be heard of and give them an avenue to do what they love for a living. i think it would be amazing to bring art to people who otherwise couldn't afford it.
i dont know. maybe i'm a romantic and idealist.
is it possible for someone like me to do something like this?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

You can if you find a building to put your galery in, find some local artists who would love to put their art in their gallery, and learn some designing to make your exhibit look great! Look at this for info on designing.
Good luck!