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Creative after effect ?

anyone has this experience .

you do some thing creative or any work ,

and then a short while after , you happen to see the very same thing that you were working on , outside you or outside in the world ,

and you realize a strange sense of closeness to the thing you are seeing ,

you've given your best , you were not just the worker , but became the work itself .

i hope i strike a chord with someone . And i hope i made myself clear .

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

Yes you are clear. You have started to have the realization through creative work of the Oneness of All there is. This IS what we have been told over and over, what some of us have been talking but not often walking. This is your opportunity.
You have received direct evidence of the Law of Attraction as it is taught presently by Jerry and Esther Hicks. Yes I know that there are many out there teaching it as well, another chunk of evidence of the law, but I have followed the evolution of their information as channelled from the entity called Abraham which represents a group of nonphysical beings and I continue to learn more and more. Though I have subscribed to this material since 1998 I continue to be amazed that the time to end my subscription still has not arrived. I am unemployed, living in a third world country and the cost of a monthly cd is a better than average day's wages here, just to provide some relativety. As well my wife attends workshops at least once a year and we purchase most of the new materials which become available as well as some of the older books to use as gifts. This is not a complaint. Our life is perfect and getting better all the time. It is simply an attempt to show my valuation and gratitude for having attracted this information which I had been asking for.

Consider your experience a gift. Live it and celebrate. Your potential for joy and happiness is unlimited.

Yes, the goosebumps are confirmation from your higher self letting you know that you are on the right path to achieve all your dreams. Cheers.