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Can anyone explain what this poem is about and identify the theme?

The seagull, spreadeagled, splayed on the wind
Span backwards shrieking; belly facing, upwards,
Fled backward with a gimlet in its heart
To see the two youths swimming hand in hand
Through green eternity, O swept overboard
Not could the thirty foot jaws them part
Or flouncing skirts that swept them over
Separate what death pronounced was love.

I saw them, the hand flapping like a flag.
And another like a dolphin with a child
Supporting him. Was I the shape of Jesus
When to me hope ward their eyeballs swiveled.
Saw I was standing in the stance of vague
Horror, paralysed with mere pity??s peace?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

I think the poem is about lost love. the 2 youths swimming hand in hand,who were swept overboard and how nothing could part them even death. The theme is romantic