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Position:Home>General - Arts & Humanities > I think when a person's question is answered, the Asker should also get points.


I think when a person's question is answered, the Asker should also get points. What do you think about this?

So, the more people answer your question the more points you get. I think it makes sense.

Also there shouldn't be any restriction to the number of people who answer a particular question. I have noticed that there is a maximun number of answers that are allowed per question - and I think that should not be.

If you know a question that has received more than 45 answers please say!! I think the max. is 43 or 44 answers.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

well this probably has nothing to do with the questions but points what exactly do you do with the points?

but you do get points if you choose a best answer so its fair. but you shouldn't get points just for asking since people are giving you answers to begin with. its fair.