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Is this a good poem?


Your child hood is presious
dont waste a moment.
The years go by fast,
So spend them as a child.
When you grow, you forget.
Jumping rope, Riding your bike, picking dasiys,
Playing tag, and jumping in leaves.
Games are fun, ans sharing momments to live for,
just so presious momments,
Dont waste your childhood,
It only lasts so long.
Those days when you cryed,
you just wasted your time,
dont forget that the time you have you short.
My childhood was presious, and so should yours.

Im new to this, i beleive this was my first poem..i need it for a poem projet in english class. thanks for your help!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

What makes a poem good or not is relative to the reader.

If I were grading you, I'd hit hard regarding your spelling. With spell check there is no reason for this hodge-podge.