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Please read..."Life Among The Dead"...?

It's a WORK IN PROGRESS...but I would like to know what you think still...

I walk a cold mile everyday,
Just to lay back down into the snow,
This new world is different from yours in every way.

The trees here burn constantly,
The flowers appear to have wilted away,
I watch them as they slowly become bloody.

Every foot of ground is red,
Spotting white snow is really rare,
People speak but I can't hear what is said.

I walk a mile every single day,
Till I collapse into the bloody snow,
Each time I fall I seem to die a different way.

Wounds appear out of nowhere,
Then the blood begins to ooze slowly,
I'd trade my soul to be with you over there.

I walk a mile on this day,
But this time as I fall to the snow,
Lying in front of me is your lifeless body.

Skin so pale and eyes so wide,
Blood runs from your forearm quickly,
I tell myself your not here, that you havn't died.

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I like it. It's very heartbreaking tho'. Not that that's a bad thing. Keep working on it. Btw they sound like song lyrics.