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What's a diamante poem about a pool and a beach?

if you can't answer that then give me gerunds for both of them

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

A diamante is a special type of poetry that compares opposite things and really gives the kids a chance to show their feelings about them. These opposites are lines 1 and 7 of their poems. The kids have to use their creativity to come up with two adjectives in lines 2 and 6 that describe each one of the opposites. For lines 3 and 5, they must also find appropriate verbs that end in -ing. Finally, they have to think of two nouns that are associated with each of the opposites for line 4. The diamante gets its name from the diamond shape that this type of poetry usually produces.


wonderful, happy
enjoying, amazing, fascinating
rainbows, flowers, dragons, monsters
terrifying, horrifying, shocking
scary, horrible
by Melissa H.

Refer to this link for proper shapes and more:

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