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Should i recreate the prefomance i did in my art class when i have my student show this fall?

my college preformance involves me stripping off my clothing to reaveal writing that i have places on my body the writing is a bunch of I am statements and each item of clothing has a reason why we hide our true selvese. much like my in class preformance i would be naked in the end. this work does fit in to the student show idea which involves my work with text in it. my question is should i recreate the preformace for my show or should i just leave the clothing in there as a monument of the preformance?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

Wow, I understand what you are saying, but this sounds painful to watch. Surely you have a teacher or advisor who could better answer, since he or she would already know the faculty, what sorts of other presentations will be part of the show, how the show will be viewed and by whom, and the community standards.