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Sound Device Poem?

So, I have to write a Sound Device Poem for school...and I suck at writing them. So, if anyone's bored and feels like writing me one it would help alot. Or if you could give me some ideas or pointers. It has to have 3 instances of alliteration and 3 instances of onomonepia and it has to be atleast 10 lines long. Thanks!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

It wasn't clear what the teacher taught us,
'Sound device' verses 'sound advice,
I could have listened to the radio - but didn't,
Since I sought solace at Yahoo Answers,
Oh no not 'onomomepia', as I had thought,
I stand corrected 'onomatopeia',
like hissed, whispered, or gurgled,
It wasn't cheating,
It was a fleeting chance of glory,
A story about cutting corners,
And even more bravery,
Daring to hand it in,
Next week back to: 'The dog ate my homework'