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I've got funny coins?

I have these coins that say Ratanga junction (large theme park in South Africa) on the back and the front of them! What are these coins?

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3 months ago
Uuumm I liv in south africa!!! They dont use coins at our amusement park and they never had!!!!!! we get bands on our arms and we are allowed on the rides

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

It's definitely an amusement park token or medallion from Ratanga Junction, possibly a first generation token used as payment for games before the implementation of arm/wrist bands. I haven't been to the theme park, but from my numismatics experience, token like these could be used for either one of the followings:
1) Video-arcade games.
2) Photo vending machines, or some other vending machines at the park.
3) Kids' rides.
4) Medallion given out as souvenirs for participating in a game, or for achievements somewhere in the park.
5) Medallion that comes together with a souvenir set of the theme park. For example, a gift set that includes the medallion.
6) Part of an item, maybe a key-chain, that fell off.

I couldn't find any listing in coin books for this item, so I can safely say that the value of the item, if you are interested to know, is what someone is willing to pay for it. Interesting item you have there I'd say. I also have in my possession several tokens from amusement parks and casinos that I find highly collectible regardless of how much they're worth.