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How should I store all my preschoolers art projects?

I have a paper bag full of art projects, along with them displayed all over the house...what should I do with ALL of them??? Anyone know of a portfolio book to display art in?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

There's only a blunt way to put this, but as a mother of two and an aunt to twenty (and one of six kids myself), here's my honest advice.

Keep five pieces/year. Buy a portfolio from Walmart every year and save maybe five pieces. The rest can be "removed" from the fridge routinely as the kids aren't around.. As long as you keep five or six per year, you really won't miss them. I promise.

I know it sounds cruel, but you only have so much room!

Another option is to scan them and store them on a removeable drive somewhere.

When they get older, you can even let them decide what to keep and what not to keep. My daughters are avid story writers, and they only save themselves maybe two or three of their stories per year.