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I am doing a presentation on Frank Lloyd Wright, and I need help with my attention getter?

An attention getter is required for my presentation on Frank Lloyd Wright. Other kids, whom are doing presentations on other artists, have had attention getters such as, quizzing the class, having people mold something out of clay, having people draw.. etc
However, Frank Lloyd Wright was an architect, and i cant think of an attention getter for that.

Thanks for helping :]

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

Well, if you are doing Frank Lloyd Wright, then you know about his house, Fallingwater. Here's what I personally would do. I would get some pictures of the house, especially the interior, and have them blown up at a copy store. Then, I would start my presentation by giving clues, and asking people to guess where they are. My clues might include things like:

1. You live in Western Pennsylvania.
2. You awaken every day to the sound of water falling, but you are never wet.
3. You look around you and you see concrete, but you are also surrounded by lush greenery.
4. All your furniture is custom designed for your home.

I think you get the idea. Basically, your clues can reveal interesting facts about this particular structure. Have a clue for each picture that you have (so you will want one or two of the interior, and several of the exterior). As you read each clue, you can turn around each picture and display it, so that through your words and the photos your classmates get a sensory idea of what it would be like to visit Fallingwater.

By providing a mini tour such as that, you can naturally flow into the idea of Wright's feelings of the importance of organic architecture, meaning architecture that flows and fits comfortably into the surroundings, rather than being an intrusion. You can progress from talking about one specific house, to talking about his work in general.

You can, naturally, use a different building to do this with, but Fallingwater is so unusual that I have never seen anyone who failed to be completely charmed by it when first exposed to it.

I hope this idea is helpful, or at least gives you other ideas that are. Good luck with your presentation :)