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What do you think of this poem?

The frustration fueled by a fuel like no other
Being so close to the prize
In the past, now
Just tied to a memory
Only hoping it is real

The pain being unbearable and wanting to quit but
What would that do
With all left as is
Disaster??s coming but nothin's changing
Tied to the tracks and the train's coming

Scared the remembrance of reality was just the child of slumber
And needing the dream to be true
Is knowhing what Hell's like worth it
If it means your there?

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3 months ago
Personally I don't like it too much, even though I wrote it.

3 months ago
Hmm, never fancied myself a songwriter.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

You are a song writer - The wording and timing have "sing me" all over it!!! Nice job.