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What do you think of my poem?

In line for the meet and greet
Just one in ten thousand
To meet someone barely famous
Willing for hours to stand

When your turn finally comes
You go and shake their hand
He pretends to pay attention
As if he was your fan

But under the skin not an inch deep
He is thinking alone
When will this be done
So I can go home?

The next day he wakes up
Glad with a nightmare off his chest
He takes the limo to meet someone fore amous than him, out of your reach
Forgetting ??#1 Fan Bill?? and ??Call me Jill??, you, and all the rest

You will not know this
Until you see him again
And he repeats the same line
There had been nothing special then

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3 months ago
Yeah it would go great with music, unfortunately i don't play.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

Dude, you should make a song out of that.