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What do you think of this poem?

It's the day's end,
She's roiling inside.
Her head is too loud
And something is coming loose.

How, she wonders, to let it go?

She sighs deeply,
Accepting the discomfort.
The sickening subsides
To something less, something tolerable.

Next, a quiet thought -
Her discomfort is her measure of sucess.
Funny how healing means feeling.
Sometimes she really wants numbess again.

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3 months ago
Thank you for the feedback!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

I am really impressed! Your use of free verse adds to what seems to be her out-of-control world. I love the mental images that you evoke, and the way the reader can sympathize with the protagonist. I think anyone can put themselves in her shoes... something important when writing poetry. I would love to read more of your work!