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Please rate my poem from 1-10?

Wild Horses

The wind whips your mane
Like the ocean tosses a wave
The sweet smell of dew-tipped grass
Tickles your every breath
Hoofs pound the earth
As dirt flies up around you
Holding your long tail up high
A flag signaling behind
The rain thuds against your back
Soaking you to the skin
You dry in the warm, bright, shining sun
That makes your coat glisten
Lassos the cowboys throw
Twirl like snakes around you
Jumping first to the left and then the right
Managing to avoid every one
Racing across the plains
Galloping at top speeds
This is all you have ever known
You are wild, free

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3 months ago
EDIT: Please be tough on me.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

Wow, pretty good. I would rate it a 7.9 or maybe an 8.3. Its good but just check some grammar errors. Maybe a specific rhyme scheme would help. Good Luck!