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Next step for aspiring film/tv production guy...?

Im 22 and live in boston and in the last year or so have decided to try to go into video/tv production. I've been doing sound mixing since my teens and have worked for a company doing small concerts and the sort of thing and in the last few years had a lot of interest in video and the entire process from writing to directing to editing. Im still not exactly sure what I area I want to go into but im hoping to discover in the next few years. I was in the trades so last year went to a community school to build up credits and my plan is to graduate with my associates next spring. Im not sure where to go from here. I am looking at state colleges with film/tv programs as well as film schools. But im curious what other options i have. I am a very hands on person and dont do well in the classroom. I am a quick learner and know how to work my *** off for someone and love being under pressure. Are there any programs out there that I'm able to join that give me access to this sort of stuff?

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3 months ago
Im really looking into making a career in this rather then simply just trying to make millions off my first movie and become a big shot director. so just looking for someone to talk to as i just to sort this stuff out

3 months ago
Im really looking into making a career in this rather then simply just trying to make millions off my first movie and become a big shot director. so just looking for someone to talk to as i just to sort this stuff out

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

The normal thing for people like yourself is to start working as a PA. Try to end up with the sound guys, since you have some experience. Working on films is a good experience, even if you later decide to go to film school, and you learn a lot.