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What is karma sutra!?

what is it?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

In layman terms... karma sutra is the balance sheet of life that accompanies every soul atman from one manifestation to another. As a businessman closes his balance at the end of the year... the same figures become the opening balance of the balance sheet for the next accounting year.

In the similar fashion... it is the doctrine of karma sutra that carries the balance of one manifest life to another. After the death of the body occurs... the soul atman within leaves the body. It manifests another life form if matching parents are available on Mother Earth. This matching is dependent upon the residual balance of karma of the previous manifestation. All is carried through the chromosomes and the DNA.

As per the residual balance of karma if the next manifestation is due in the house of a cobbler... none in the Cosmos can change the destiny. One shall be born in the house of a cobbler only. If the residual balance of karma demands one be born in the house of a king... it shall be so, never otherwise!

Everything in the cosmic system is governed by the doctrine of karma. The complete cosmic life cycle for the soul atman... a chain of 8.4 million manifestations... all is governed by the law of karma. As we sow so shall we get... nothing less or more! In the law of karma nothing can err... all is the result of a law that is perfect to the last! In the doctrine of karma nothing has been left to chance or fate.

If we suffer... it owes its existence to sins we may have committed in one of the earlier manifestations. If we win a lottery... the accumulated virtues of one of the earlier manifestations have fructified. More on Karma Sutra -