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I am trying to have a carnival, all proceeds benefit the March of Dimes. low budget/ and need ideas. Thank you

I would like to put together a carnival to support/ benefit the March of Dimes. I would like to get the company I work for involved including their families and friends. I need advice and maybe some type of location that could be available for this project. I appreciate any help anyone can give me. It is about helping others who can not help themselves such as the babies that the march of dimes was started for . I would love to do my part but I need help so please send any and all information you might have. Thank you so much .

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

You could ask your company to help sponsor the event. They would get a lot of good publicity from the event, and could donate money for you to rent really great carnival games and attractions.

You could also ask any one there to donate a baked good to sell at a booth to raise money.

And why not ask a local band to donate their time for a dance - instead of payment they too will get a lot of free publicity.

Most businesses will donate for a worthy cause as long as you promote them as a sponsor. Good Luck