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I have a few Questions About Poetry?

1.What is the purpose of poetry for the poet?
2. What is the purpose of poetry for the reader?
3. To what degree should a poem reveal the poet's personalitity?
4. To what degree should a poem be accesible or challenging
5. What makes poetry an art form
6. How important is skill in the creation of poetry?
7. How important are rules, unwritten and written, in the composition of poetry?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

Okay here I go.
1. The purpose of poetry for me , as a poet, is simple. I write because i love it and it helps me express my feelings
2. Poetry should have an effect on the reader and should engage them to understand the poet's point of view.
3. The poem reveal a little about the poet's personality. It lets you know what is on their mind and what kinds of stress they are going through.
4. The poem is only challenging to those who are not in the same mindset as the poet. It should not be so hard that the average public is not able to comprahend.
5. Poetry is an art form because it expresses feelings and ideas
6. None, as long as it comes from your heart, it can be consisdered poetry to you.
7. Not very, it is sometimes fun to go with a certain style. But poetry can really be considered prose with soul.
Hope that helps