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Todays poem is.... What do you think of this one..?

Took a spirit from the dust
blew it to the wind
sacred as anything that is
mountains were made
rested on the mounds
men with a thousand spears.

Took a spirit from the dust
sold it to the highest bid
peeks so scarce
suns so far
the only way to save it
is to put it in a jar.

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3 months ago
nice to see a face ACDC. loving your avatar. does this resemble you in real life?

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Love It.

What a great poem.

I believe this poem to be very spiritually inclined.

This is what I think this poem is saying.

Took a spirit from the dust, blew it to the wind.

I think you are talking about someone whom is sort of breaking out of a rut ( spiritual rut or life rut) sacred as anything that is. I think this line says that it is a life changing move (something really big)

mountains were made
rested on the mounds
men with a thousand spears.

I think these three lines is talking about how this person is encountering mountains that are presented in front of them and yet this person climbs only to find (on the mounds... meaning TOP) men with a thousand spears. After this person climbs this mountain ( mountain= obstacles) they encounter men with a thousand spears (MORE OBSTACLES)

I believe the last verse speaks about someone who has sort of given up on their voyage because the peeks (good times) were scarce and suns were so far ( again, suns symbolizing good times (warmth)

last two lines are very interesting indeed.

the only way to save it, is to put it in a jar.

I think that you are probably proclaiming that this person has not really given up, but instead has put this journey or voyage on the back burner for a while. back burner being the jar.

great poem Rosey, You amaze me with your writing.