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Poems about jail?

My fiance is in jail and i miss the hell out of him. Ive mailed him all kinds of stuff but i wanted to mail him an uplifting poem about jail. Or loving someone in jail. Does anyone know any?

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3 months ago
It doesnt matter if its written by someone eles. Im not claiming to have wrote it. Im just not a writer and i wanted to send him something to make him happy.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:


A poem for prisoners
Interior sounds clang back and forth
unable to escape
walls contained by more walls
callous, concrete, obdurate
built to remind insiders
of their lovelessness


you are, moving softly
smoothing the pillow on your bed
placing a woven mat under your bowl
to spare the wooden table
pouring orange juice
sun through the open window
touching your shoulder. More??..