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Is there anything for a poetic girl to do in Seattle on the weekend?

I write poems, stories, and other random things, but I am so bored. Could someone help me find something to do?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

put your stories in to a collection; edit them rigorously; try and get them published. Illustrate your stories or try and find seomone to do it with you/for you. Take some of your stories and find a common thread and turn them into a single novel. Start a poetic or literary society and meet on the w/ends. Together set up a webpage. Take up sculpture, design a big garden, go up to BC, take up fishing or wildlife photography; photograph rocks and trees; make a scrapbook; learn to make applique quilts in native amercian designs (Nootka, Tlingit, Chinook, Haida, Kwaikiutl, etc). Enjoy yourself and keep a diary; it all goes by so soon and is just as easily forgotten. And dont complain of boredom!